鲍尔默选择一大早来LSE演讲令我有些不解,因为多数人都选择傍晚来演讲。他的演讲自然是很火爆,票很难抢,我有幸在网上刷到一张;很奇怪,现场中国大陆的学生极少,或许是来LSE的大陆学生以文科背景居多,对他不感冒吧。他演讲的主题是”Seizing the Opportunity of the Cloud: the Next Wave of Business Growth”,演讲只有20多分钟,剩下了大概30分钟左右回答现场提问。以下是我的问题:
You said early this year that piracy in China is a serious problem. But some Chinese accused that it was MS’s deliberate ignorance in the past 2 decades that caused this problem.In your opinion, why does this problem become so serious in China but not in India? Who should be blamed? And in the coming era of cloud computing, which is more harmful to Microsoft and the whole indusry, piracy or restrictions on freedom, such as web censorship and bloking without legal authority or public explanation.
“Piracy in China is 8 times worse than in India, 20 times worse than in UK. Enforcement of the law needs to be stepped up. If you look at the environment there’s a lot more than in India, in Russia.
“I think the Chinese government hears the message, it’s more of a problem for Chinese companies – they need to have IP, it’s to the disadvantage even more of the Chinese companies. It woudl be worth a lot to us; China is the No.2 market in the world, will be the No.1 market in the world soon for smartphones and PCs.
“Don’t know how you’d control it.
“As you move to the cloud there will be regulations coming from the government, and that could be a problem, I’m a little nervous about that, particularly in the Chinese case, but you’ll have to wait and see how it works out.”
此外TechRadar也对他对我第一个问题的回答做了专门的报道,见http://bit.ly/bFhUUB。金融时报的Techblog也在对这次演讲的亮点介绍中将他对我的两个问题的回答,见http://bit.ly/aGW7FK。Sky News则以他对中国盗版问题的回答作为标题和切入点,见http://bit.ly/cUOfBa。
当然他的回答不能令我满意,不过在提问之前我也很清楚他的回答也就只能达到这个地步。毕竟,中国政府和中国用户,谁都不好惹;作为微软的CEO,他自然更 不会承认他们自己有问题。事实上,对于其他问题,他也十分谨慎,回答令人失望,缺乏亮点。正如某媒体评论的,Ballmer gives LSE a masterclass in not answering questions。